Pricing Many ways to play

Rental Package

$5800 per day
  • 1 Player admission
  • All-day play
  • 100 paintballs
  • Unlimited compressed air refills
  • Package includes a BRAND NEW paintball mask that is yours to KEEP
  • Marker/paint gun, pod pack and 2 pods
  • Players MUST use paintballs purchased at Capital Edge the same day.

Self-Equipped Admission

$3000 per day
  • 1 Player admission
  • All-day play
  • Does not include Paintballs
  • Does not include compressed air or CO2
  • Player supplies their own equipment
  • Players MUST use paintballs purchased at Capital Edge the same day.

Self-Equipped Special Best Value

$7500 per day
  • 1 Player admission
  • All-day play
  • 2000 paintballs
  • Unlimited compressed air refills
  • Player supplies their own equipment
  • Players MUST use paintballs purchased at Capital Edge the same day.

Every person wishing to play or enter the fields for the sake of spectating or taking photographs MUST fill-out and sign a "Waiver and Release of Liability" form prior to doing so. Any persons under the age of 18 MUST have the Waiver and Release form signed by a Parent / Legal Guardian. Those under the age of 18 MUST have a new signed waiver EACH time they attend the park. All players must be a minimum of 10 years of age.

Field Paint Only

Capital Edge is a Field Paint Only paintball park. That means all players, rentals AND self-equipped, must purchase their paintballs from Capital Edge. Paintballs purchased somewhere else are NOT allowed to be used at the field.

Private Groups

Private groups MUST use paintballs purchased from Capital Edge Paintball Park on the same day of play, no matter if they are using rental equipment or their own equipment.

Rental Equipment

Reservations for equipment are strongly recommended. Valid ID AND Credit or Debit Card with Mastercard or Visa logo are required for rental of any equipment. The physical credit card will be held at the sign-up booth during the duration of the equipment being checked out. The card will be returned to you once all rental equipment has been returned.

Capital Edge offers special pricing for your event. For parties larger than 8 players, please call for pricing. Prices listed are for open play, these party packages are NOT private group play. Party packages available on weekends only during regular business hours.

For up to 6 players

$34000 up to 6 players
  • Admission for 6 players
  • Rental equipment to play
  • Each player receives a BRAND NEW paintball mask that is theirs to KEEP
  • 2000 Paintballs
  • All-day Compressed air
  • Only available on Weekends
  • $100 non-refundable reservation fee
  • Individuals under the age of 18 must have a waiver signed by their parent or guardian
  • Additional paintballs may be purchased at the field. No outside paintballs allowed. This package is NOT private group play
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For up to 8 players Best Value

$45000 up to 8 players
  • Admission for 8 players
  • Rental equipment to play
  • Each player receives a BRAND NEW paintball mask that is theirs to KEEP
  • 3000 Paintballs
  • All-day Compressed air
  • Only available on Weekends
  • $100 non-refundable reservation fee
  • Individuals under the age of 18 must have a waiver signed by their parent or guardian
  • Additional paintballs may be purchased at the field. No outside paintballs allowed. This package is NOT private group play
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Download this quick birthday invitation to assist you in planning your next event. The invitation includes our location and web address so your party guests may learn more about paintball prior to attending your event. The downloadable file is a Word Doc so that you can type in your party's specific information prior to printing them out. Invitation prints 2 invitations per sheet of paper.

Download Invitation (Word) »

Paint Pricing

Players using rental equipment MUST use paint purchased at Capital Edge the same day of play.
  • Bag of 500 balls $22 and up
  • Case of 2000 balls $64 and up

Compressed Air

Prices for customers who supply their own tanks.
  • Unlimited Compressed Air $5
    We have both 3000psi and 4500psi
    note: no scuba tanks or any type of self filling devices allowed.
  • Please note, Capital Edge Paintball no longer sells CO2. We do rent compressed air tanks (see rental prices). It is the renter's responsibility to ensure their marker can be used with a compressed air tank.

Individual Items for Rent

  • Mask $5 currently not available
  • Harness and 2 Pods $5
  • Hopper $2
  • Chest Protector $5
  • Cover-Alls $7
  • Compressed air tank with unlimited fills $10

Looking for the perfect gift to get that special someone out of the house and off the couch? How about a gift certificate to paintball? Capital Edge offers gift certificates for just about any amount. Contact Us by stopping by the field during normal business hours or by calling 916-842-1777.

Reservations for groups of 5 or more are strongly recommended. Prepay at least one week in advance to ensure equipment and field availability.

Promotions cannot be combined.

Reservation are required to reserve equipment. All cancellations must be received in writing five business days prior to the date of your event. If you wish to cancel within the five business day period prior to your group's event, you understand and agree that any advance reservation fee/payment received will be 100% non-refundable. Capital Edge is open rain or shine. If you wish to cancel your reservation due to weather concerns, all cancellations must be received in writing five business days prior to the date of your event. If you wish to cancel within the five business day period prior to your group's event, you understand and agree that any advance reservation fee/payment received will be 100% non-refundable.

We accept Visa, Mastercard and Debit cards featuring a Visa/MC logo. A minimum purchase of $10 is required to use a credit card.